HARARE – The ministry of health says flu-like illnesses being experienced around the country are the common cold and not a new viral pandemic.

Hospitals have treated thousands of patients panicking that Covid-19 is making a comeback, or a new virus could be circulating, authorities say.

In a statement on Monday, health secretary Dr Aspect Maunganidze said: “The ministry of health and child care would want to reassure the public that the flu-like illnesses seen in the country are due to the common cold.

“The winter season is associated with increased incidence of common colds and that is what has been seen so far. The cases are neither due to Covid-19 nor other new viruses. There is no viral pandemic in Zimbabwe.”

The ministry is advising the public to “lead healthy lifestyles, take lots of fluids, keep warm and where necessary take the over-the-counter common cold remedies.”