HARARE – President Emmerson Mnangagwa has appointed a Commission of Inquiry tasked with, among its terms of reference, investigating the local authority’s financial management systems during the period covering 2017 to date.

Announcing the Commission in Statutory Instrument 91 of 2024 on Friday, Mnangagwa said the inquiry team will be chaired by Retired Justice Maphios Cheda and is set to run for at least half a year.

Other members of the commission are Steven Chakaipa, Norbert Phiri, opposition politician Lucia Gladys Matibenga and Khonzani Ncube.

“Now, therefore, under and by virtue of the powers and authority vested in the President as afore said, I do, by this proclamation establish a Commission of Inquiry into matter of local governance by Harare City Council since 2017,” he said.

The commission’s terms of reference include to investigate the council’s management of revenue and ascertain the procedures of management, sell or lease or transfer of the local authority’s properties to private entities; the convening of council meetings as well as compliance with procurement laws.

In an interview, Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume said the city council would comply with the inquiry into its affairs.

“We will cooperate with the inquiry as we believe that some of the questions being inquired into are things that we have long sought answers for,” Mafume said.

On several occasions, Mafume has bemoaned government interference saying it chokes development in council affairs.

However, in other circles, the inquiry could come across as a witch-hunt against the main opposition CCC that controls the affairs of Harare, among most urban local authorities.

Zanu PF has often been accused by the opposition of attempts to reverse the will of the people through sponsoring recalls – from both parliament and local authorities – of elected representatives so that it could impose its own people to manage the affairs of constituencies and councils.